Keadle-House Rummikub Rules

Having been playing Rummikub with my family since I was in grade school, some of the rules deviate a little bit from the original for simplicity sake, namely, tile values.  Instead of face value for adding up points, tile values are:

2-9 :

(single-digit tiles) worth 5 points

10-13 :

(double-digit tiles) worth 10 points

1 :

worth 15 points (because it can be played as both high and low)

Joker :

worth 25 points

Object of The Game: To be the first player to play all the tiles from your rack by forming them into sets (runs and/or groups).

Sets: There are two kinds of sets:

A group is a set of either three or four tiles of the same number in different colors.

A run is a set of three or more consecutive numbers all in the same color.

The number 1 is always played as the lowest number, it cannot follow the number 13. You can “run through” with the one tile, so, ..11-12-13-1-2-3…

Set-up: Place the tiles face down on the table and mix them thoroughly. Each player picks a tile; the player with the highest number goes first. Return the tiles to the table and mix them. It is recommended to stack the tiles in piles of 7 for ease of playing.

Each player takes 14 tiles and places them on his/her rack. The remaining tiles are called the “pool.”

Each round is made up of multiple games. The number of players determines the number of games in a round - with four players a round is made up of four games, with three players a round is made up of three games, and with two players a round is made up of two games. However, the players can determine the numbers of rounds.

(Nevertheless - players may have their own 'house rules' )

When a player plays the last tile on his/her rack a game ends. Players then start over again until they have played to a winning point value or time limit. the number of games/rounds they agreed to play.

Playing The Game: Each tile is worth the values noted above. its face value (the number shown on the tile). In order to make an initial meld, each player must place tiles on the table in one or more sets that total at least 30 points. These points must come from the tiles on each player’s rack; for their initial meld, players may not use tiles already played on the table. A joker used in the initial meld scores the value of the tile it represents. When players cannot play any tiles from their racks, or purposely choose not to, they must draw a tile from the pool. After they draw, their turn is over. Play passes to the left (clockwise). On turns after a player has made their initial meld, the player can continue to build onto other sets on the table with tiles from his/her rack. On any turn that a player cannot add onto another set or play a set from his/her rack, that player picks a tile from the pool and his/her turn ends. Players cannot lay down a tile they just drew; they must wait until their next turn to play this tile. Play continues until one player empties his/her rack and calls, “Rummikub!” This ends the game and players tally their points (see Scoring). If there are no more tiles in the pool but no player has emptied his/her rack, play continues until no more plays can be made. This ends the game.

Manipulation: Manipulation is the most exciting part of playing "Rummikub®". Players try to table the greatest amount of tiles by rearranging or adding to sets which are already on the table. Sets can be manipulated in many ways as long as at the end of each round only legitimate sets remain and no loose tiles are left over.

The Joker: There are two jokers in the game of 4, or four jokers if more than 4 players. Each joker can be used as any tile in a set, and its number and color are that of the tile needed to complete the set. On future turns, a joker can be retrieved from a set on the table by a player who can replace it during his/her turn with any tiles that can keep the set legitimate. This tile can come from the table or must come from a player’s rack. In the case of a group of three tiles, the joker can be replaced by a tile of either of the missing colors. When a player retrieves a joker, the joker will once again have any value or color. However, a player who retrieves a joker must play the joker on his/her current turn to make a new set, and must also use at least one tile from his/her rack on that turn (just as on any other turn). A player cannot retrieve a joker before s/he has played his/her initial meld.

Time Limit: There is a time limit of 1 minute per player, per turn. Players who go over the time limit must draw a tile from the pool, ending their turns.

Incomplete Runs: Players who cannot complete a move within the 1 minute time limit must replace the tiles that were on the table to their previous positions, take back the tiles they played, and draw 3 tiles from the pool as a penalty. This ends the turn. 

Scoring: After a player has cleared his/her rack and called “Rummikub!”, the other players add up the value of the tiles they are holding on their racks - the winner receives 0 points. as a negative figure and the winner of the game receives a positive score equal to the total of all the other players’ points. The player with the least number of points after all games have been played is declared the winner.

Strategy: The beginning of a game of Rummikub® may seem slow, but as the table builds up, more plays are possible. In the early stages of the game it’s a good idea to hold back some tiles so that other players open up the table and provide more opportunities for play. Sometimes it is useful to hold back the fourth tile of a group or run and play only three, so that on the next turn you can play a tile instead of drawing from the pool. Keeping a joker on your rack is also a good strategy; however, you risk being caught with it (earning a penalty of 30 25 points) when another player goes “Rummikub!”

(Official Rummikub “Classic” Rules .pdf)