- Ante is two $1 bills placed anywhere on the table (except in the center of the table where the Golden Dollar is placed).
- One $1 bill is placed in the Golden Dollar pot. (see Golden Dollar Pot below)
- Draw a card/tile - that is the ball you need to pocket, wherever the cue ball lies.
- If you pocket the object ball, you draw another card/tile, and attempt to pocket that ball. You can pocket up to 3 balls before play goes to next player
- If you miss the object ball it is a scratch (see SCRATCHES below)
- If you leave the cue ball touching a dollar, you take it.
- The player that pockets the last ball gets all the dollars left on the table.
- If you scratch, you put $1 on the table or take a shot.
- Only when the cue ball is scratched in a pocket or off the table does the next player get to play it ball in hand. However, you must place the ball on the table *BEFORE* you draw a card/tile
- Any table foul is a scratch - if it’s not a legal hit, it’s a scratch!
- if at *ANY* time you touch *ANY* ball, it’s a scratch
- The Golden Dollar is a small 3”x1” copy of a dollar bill placed in the center of the table

- The Golden $1 pot rolls over throughout the night until someone wins the pot. If no one wins the pot, the pot goes to the house (used for table maintenance and accessories for all to enjoy)
- If you leave the cue ball touching the Golden $1 in the center of the table after a valid shot, you get the pot!
*Winners are encouraged to tip the house to the fund pot and help offset hosting costs
- If more than 8 players, use 2 sets of balls, a 30-ball rack! Rack is shifted forward with the 5th-ball row on the foot spot, as shown here: