(“blind Cut Throat pool”)
- Ante is two $1 bills placed anywhere on the table (except in the center of the table where the Goldon Dollar is placed)
- One $1 bill is placed in the Golden Dollar pot. (see Golden Dollar Pot below)
- You will receive tiles/cards representing the balls to KEEP on the table - you attempt to pocket all OTHER balls. You may pocket your own ball to keep shooting, but you can’t pocket your last ball. Once all your balls are off the table, you are dropped from rotation. Alternatively, instead of tiles/cards, you may play by drawing colors (Y-B-R-P-O-G-M-B)
- You shoot till you miss or pocket 3 balls, whichever comes first
- During the course of play, if any of your object ball(s) is touching a $1, you can choose to take it (without touching or moving the ball!). You might leave the $1 so as to not reveal that it’s your ball. If you don’t claim the $1 before it is moved, you lose the option to claim the $1
- If you leave the cue ball touching a $1 bill (after a legal shot), you take it!
- If you leave the cue ball touching the golden $1 bill after pocketing a ball, you get the pot.
- last person with their ball left on the table gets all $1 bills left on the table
- the person following the winner in the rotation breaks next rack
- If you are the only player left on the table with unclaimed balls, you must successfully complete your 3 shots to win. If not, everyone gets to pull a pocketed ball, but you do not add a $1 to the table
- If there is no money to win (no $1s on the table and golden $1 pot is empty), re-rack - same player breaks
- If you scratch, you put $1 on the table and everyone pulls one of their pocketed balls and spots it from the foot spot and directly back in a line, all balls touching. If you end up unable to place the ball in line from the foot spot to the short rail, you then spot the balls alternatively from the foot spot as if you are making a rack of balls
- Scratch on break is in the kitchen, otherwise *ANY* other scratch is ball in hand
- Any pocketed balls on a scratch break are re-spotted. Breaker adds $1 to the table
- Any table foul is a scratch - if it’s not a legal hit, it’s a scratch!
- if at *ANY* time you touch *ANY* ball, it’s a scratch
- The Golden Dollar is a small 3”x1” copy of a dollar bill placed in the center of the table

- The Golden $1 pot rolls over throughout the night until someone wins the pot. If no one wins the pot, the pot goes to the house (used for table maintenance and accessories for all to enjoy)
- If you leave the cue ball touching the Golden $1 in the center of the table after pocketing a ball, you get the pot!
*Winners are encouraged to tip the house to the fund pot and help offset hosting costs
- “Vic Rule” - any single player can only win the Golden Pot once in an evening so choose wisely!
More than 7 players
- If more than 7 players, use 2 sets of balls, a 30-ball rack! Rack is shifted forward with the 5th-ball row on the foot spot, as shown here:

Winners Circle